Wednesday, July 31, 2013

the best thing about today...

A co-worker asked me to assist with a task today. I spent about an hour putting together the information I thought she might need and sent it to her in an email.
A little while later I received a reply that I just thought would simply say "thank you".
I was so surprised to see her message that started with "Oh WOW! This is so much more than I was expecting!"
Knowing I had made a useful and valued contribution to the project was a good feeling I got to carry with me the rest of the day. Thank you Lisa!
How often does our best thing about today happen at work?

Monday, July 29, 2013

Dogs & skunks!

OK! Only the good stuff right! Well here I sit in the garage @ 10:33pm with the doors open and my dog resting in her bed after her encounter a couple hours ago with a skunk! So the good part - she was not real close so the stink could be worse!
We live at the end of the city limits & our quiet neighborhood is bordered by dirt hills. Somehow a lot of small animals find our backyard - usually possums! But not tonight!
This actually is almost funny when you realize how a tiny event can reshape your evening!
I am thankful my dog is safe. I am thankful there isn't a dead skunk in my backyard! I am thankful for the fans inside the house turned on full speed so pretty soon my house won't smell!
So just remember... there are blessing to be counted everyday & life is good!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

It was window day!

After breakfast this morning we got started on the windows!
This project is one that we can do together because Doug does the outside parts & I do he inside parts!
I actually don't mind this project because when it's all finished you have sparkly windows, clean screens, clean blinds and clean curtains!
In the past we have sent the blinds out to be cleaned ultra sonically - the phone estimate I got last week was over $200! That was too much to spend for something I could do myself!
So $6 for 5 packs of Huggies Baby Wipes and a couple hours of work and the blinds are just like new!
Hope your day had some sparkle too!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

the backyard

Today our backyard and patio are a bit of a mess! but I've just finished dinner here on the patio where I really enjoy being so I decided it was time to start this blog that I've thought about for a long time. We've lived in this home just one month short of 9 years. Our dog Annie has been here with us since 2006 & she loves the back yard too! especially if Doug & I are outside with her!
Tonight there is a nice breeze and lots of birds on the back fence. When I took this photo the sun was to my back so it's highlighting our carrot wood tree. I love this tree & lots of birds nest in it but it is a messy tree!
Annie's dog house takes up one corner of the patio. I've never known a dog who loved her house more than Annie does! we have a table that will seat six and of course barbeques! yes, with an s!
The tomato plant did really well with Doug's good care but soon it will be bloomed out. He made salsa a few weeks back & I think there will be just enough ripe tomatoes this weekend for him to make one more batch.
The green pot you can  barley see has a dwarf meyer lemon tree. sorry to say it went without water a bit longer than it should have so it could be doing better. This is when I wish my dad were here. he can make anything grow & grow big! but right now he is residing in Washington state.
Every summer we do a project. The brickwork you see in front of the windows was our project a couple years back.  Our fountain and front garden were last year's project. This summer we mounted a new flag on the front of the house over the driveway with a solar light so we can leave the flag hanging. You can see a picture I took a few weeks ago on my pssmitty favorite things blog.
As I'm finishing this post the sun has set so time to wrap up the day.
Remember to count your blessings everyday...